This invite-only alumni event will kick off at the Charlevoix Rod & Gun Club's pistol range at 6pm with a pizza dinner and fellowship with our alumni peers. Following dinner, we will shoot a variety of pistol drills and quals to get warmed up. There will be some competition style stages that will be timed and graded with prizes for the winners! Each student will receive a custom event T-shirt and at least one prize to take home. This will be a great opportunity for a small group of students who attended multiple classes last year to get together and have a fun night of shooting.
Event time, 6pm-9:30pm
Event cost is $50. Payable at time of class.
Required gear,
Reliable semi-automatic pistol
At lease 200 rounds of ammo
Quality holster that is made for your specific pistol - no universal nylon holsters and no SERPA holsters.
At lease 3 magazines and a magazine pouch
Eye protection, ear protection (electronic recommended)
Appropriate clothing for the weather
This is an invite-only event for students that have attended multiple classes with Adept Defense in 2021
*Must be US citizen and legally own your pistol.